RIB K500 Sliding Gate Motor in Dubai UAE
- RIB K500 Kit 500 Kg.
- All-in-one system for the automation of sliding gates weghing up to 500 kg.
- The included fixing plate allows the adjustment in height and the fixing on the ground.
- K500 can be fitted on the same base plate of our old K5
- Release lock with personalized key or allen key
- Driving gear in syntherized steel.
- Adjustable low speed in approaching, in opening and closing phase
- FAST version is twice as fastas standard K500
- Pedestrian opening command
- Safety strip autotest as required by EN12453
- Self-heated motor for prompt start at low temperature.
RIB K500 Contains:
- 1 x RIB K500 Sliding Gate Motor.
- 2 x SUN 2CH 2-channel transmitter.
- 1 x pair of FIT SLIM photocells.
- 1 x BLOCK key selector.
- 1 x SAIL blinker.
- 1 x warning plate and instructions manuals.
- 1 x Push button.
- 4 x Nylon rack 1m.